Raccolta di articoli sugli effetti delle guerre pubblicati dalle principali riviste biomediche (2022-2023)

Lancet Glob Health 2023 July. Published Online July 21, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016
Defending the right to health during Sudan's civil war
Fatima Elbasri Anuelgasim Mohammed, Maria Inês Francisco Viva, Wafa Awadalla Gasmalla Awadalla et al.
(Comment) (No abstract available)

Hastings Cent Rep 2023 May; 53(3):2. doi: 10.1002/hast.1482.
Bioethics and War
Henk Ten Have

War has major health consequences and poses significant ethical dilemmas for health professionals. In caring for victims of armed conflicts, health providers are obliged to put medical ethics before military aims. While the normative framework of warfare is clear and accepted by almost all countries, in practice, restrictions on violence are continuously broken, and the safety and independence of health professionals are not ensured. In bioethics, the issue of war has not been treated as a major concern. The field can do more to articulate the responsibilities of health practitioners and scientists, arguing that Red Cross founder Henri Dunant's principle of humanity and the principles of professional and global ethics reject the idea of military necessity. Bioethics should focus on strategies to prevent war, encouraging the collective action of health professionals. Bioethics should also stress-as, so far, one national medical association has-that war is a man-made public health problem.

Circulation 2023 Mar 7; 147(10):779-781. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.063196. Epub 2023 Mar 6.
Russia's War in Ukraine and Cardiovascular Health Care
Alexander Parkhomenko  (no abstract) (On my mind)

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Feb 6; 20(4):2840. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20042840.
The Mental Health Costs of Armed Conflicts-A Review of Systematic Reviews Conducted on Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and People Living in War Zones
Bernardo Carpiniello

Aims: Armed conflicts produce a wide series of distressing consequences, including death, all of which impact negatively on the lives of survivors. This paper focuses specifically on the mental health consequences of war on adults and child/adolescent refugees or those living in war zones through a review of all systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses published from 2005 up until the current time.
Results: Fifteen systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses conducted in adult populations, and seven relating to children and adolescents, were selected for the purpose of this review. Prevalence rates of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were two- to three-fold higher amongst people exposed to armed conflict compared to those who had not been exposed, with women and children being the most vulnerable to the outcome of armed conflicts. A series of war-related, migratory and post-migratory stressors contribute to short- and long-term mental health issues in the internally displaced, asylum seekers and refugees.
Conclusion: It should be a required social responsibility for all psychiatrists and psychiatric associations to commit to raising awareness amongst political decision-makers as to the mental health consequences caused by armed conflicts, as part of their duty of care for people experiencing the consequences of war.

Lancet 2023 Feb 25; 401(10377):622-625. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00383-5. Epub 2023 Feb 21.
The war in Ukraine 1 year on: the need to strategise for the long-term health of Ukrainians
Paul B Spiegel, Pavlo Kovtoniuk, Katarzyna Lewtak (Comment) (no abstract)

J Public Health (Oxf) 2023 Jun 14; 4 5(2):e355. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdac104.
Prioritizing the healthcare system in times of war
Dalmacito A Cordero Jr (Correspondence) (no abstract)

Eur Heart J 2023 Feb 1; 44(5):333-335. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac702.
Prevention of nuclear war: a call to action for cardiovascular professionals
James Muller, Patrick Serruys, Niel Grubb, John Pastore (no abstract) (Global Spotlights)

Lancet 2023 Feb 25; 401(10377):617. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00387-2.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine: an attack on health
The Lancet (no abstract) (Editorial)

Ann Hum Biol 2023 Feb; 50(1):301-307. doi: 10.1080/03014460.2023.2224059.
Child growth and armed conflict
Noël Cameron

Background: During armed conflict, the non-combative population, and particularly children, are susceptible to the effects of conflict from a variety of perspectives; psychological stress, loss of food and resources, loss of accommodation, occupation, income, death of family members, etc. The Lancet recently published a special issue entitled 'Maternal and child health and armed conflict' concluding that the ways in which health can be affected by conflict are protean but systematic evidence is sparse, whatever evidence exists is localised and of low to moderate quality, and that data on adolescents are sparse to non-existent. Whilst this may be true of the challenging environments of conflicts in developing countries, historically recent conflicts in Europe provide an alternative viewpoint that is frequently aired in the Auxological literature but is virtually unknown and/or unrecognised in health settings.
Methods: The current paper summarises three previously published studies based on repeated cross-sectional child growth surveys in London, Oslo, and Stuttgart covering the years of the Second World War. Taken together these studies provide extensive evidence of the response of children to armed conflict in the context of secular tends in growth of children living in industrialised nations during the twentieth century.
Conclusions: The conclusions to all three studies may be summarised, with regard to children in industrialised nations, as: (1) armed conflict adversely affects human growth and health, (2) armed conflict affects all age groups but adolescents more so, (3) all age groups recover from poor growth as conditions improve in relation to post-war health and welfare programmes, (4) pre-war differences in size between SES groups diminish during post-war recovery when accompanied by nutritional, welfare and reconstruction programmes.

BMJ 2023 Jun 14; 381:963. doi: 10.1136/bmj.p963.
Vaccination in the war in Ukraine
Nataliia Bushkovska (no abstract) (Feature)

BMJ 2023 Jul 12; 382:1540. doi: 10.1136/bmj.p1540.
John Launer: Nuclear war-it's time to face up to the risks
John Launer (no abstract) (Editorial)

Nature 2022 Aug; 608(7924):661. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-02219-4.
Nuclear war between two nations could spark global famine
Alexandra Witze (no abstract)

JAMA 2022 Apr 26; 327(16):1535-1536. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.5571.
Clinical Trials Disrupted During War in Ukraine
Rita Rubin (no abstract) 

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Dec 13; 119(50):e2210686119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2210686119. 
Challenges for chemistry in Ukraine after the war: Ukrainian science requires rebuilding and support
Ivan S Kondratov, et al.

The unprovoked Russian invasion has created considerable challenges for Ukrainian science. In this article, we discuss actions needed to support and rebuild Ukrainian science and educational systems. The proposed actions take into account past Ukrainian scientific achievements including developments in organic chemistry.

Lancet 2022 Mar 5; 399(10328):896. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00413-5.
Ukrainian health workers respond to war
Saleyha Ahsan (World report) (no abstract)

BMJ 2022 Mar 10; 376:o634. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o634.
Men wage war, women and children pay the price
Juliet Dobson (Opinion) (no abstract)

Nature 2022 Apr; 604(7905):217-218. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-00994-8.
The war in Ukraine is exposing gaps in the world's food-systems research

JAMA 2022 May 17; 327(19):1859. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.7733.
Ukraine War Could Push an Additional 47 Million Into Acute Hunger
Howard D Larkin (Global Health) (no abstract)

Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2022 May 1; 26(5):470-471. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.22.0162.
The war in Ukraine and potential consequences for the TB epidemic in Europe
G Sotgiu, I Solovic, D Zenner, S Tiberi, K Manika, C Celan, J Chorostowska-Wynimko, A Zumla, G B Migliori (Comment) (no abstract)

Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2022 Aug 1; 26(8):801a-801. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.22.0260.
War in Ukraine and the TB epidemic
A Keebayoon, R Mungmunpuntipantip, V Wiwanitkit (Comment) (no abstract)

Int J Infect Dis 2022 Jul; 120:44-45. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.04.016. Epub 2022 Apr 12.
The Russia-Ukraine war could bring catastrophic public-health challenges beyond COVID-19
Céleo Ramírez, Reyna M Durón (Letter to Editor) (no abstract)

Nature 2022 Jul; 607(7919):440-443. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-01960-0.
Seven ways the war in Ukraine is changing global science
Nisha Gaind, Alison Abbott, Alexandra Witze, Elizabeth Gibney, Jeff Tollefson, Aisling Irwin, Richard Van Noorden (News feature) (no abstract)

Lancet 2022 Mar 19; 399(10330):1097-1098. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00422-6. Epub 2022 Mar 4.
Reducing the risks of nuclear war to humanity
Ira Helfand, Patricia Lewis, Andy Haines (Comment) (no abstract)

N Engl J Med 2022 Jul 14; 387(2):102-105. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp2207415. Epub 2022 Jun 29.
Russia's War in Ukraine - The Devastation of Health and Human Rights
Barry S Levy, Jennifer Leaning (no abstract) (Perspective)

JAMA 2022 Apr 26; 327(16):1541-1542. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.6045. 
Attacks on Health Care in the War in Ukraine: International Law and the Need for Accountability
Lawrence O Gostin, Leonard S Rubenstein (no abstract) (Viewpoint)

PLoS Med 2022 May 25; 19(5):e1004007. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004007. eCollection 2022 May.
Ukraine conflict: Prioritizing lives and health
PLOS Medicine Editors (no abstract) (Editorial)

BMJ 2022 Mar 15; 376:o676. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o676.
The reinvasion of Ukraine threatens global food supplies
Tim Lang, Martin McKee (no abstract) (Editorial)

Lancet 2022 Feb 12; 399(10325):605. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00271-9.
Health and health care in Ukraine: in transition and at risk
The Lancet (no abstract) (Editorial)

BMJ 2022 Mar 2; 376:o548. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o548.
Russia invades Ukraine again: how can the health community respond?
Martin McKee, Adrianna Murphy (no abstract) (Editorial)

Front Public Health 2022 Sep 5; 10:1008883. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1008883. eCollection 2022.
Editorial: Armed conflicts; implications, dynamics and impacts on public health care services
Mohamed A Daw (no abstract) (Editorial)

Cell 2022 Apr 14; 185(8):1283-1286. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.03.036. Epub 2022 Apr 6.
The voices of Ukrainian and Russian scientists
Rostyslav Stoika, Nikita Gudimchuk, Halyna R Shcherbata, Andrey Zaraisky, Oleksandr Shcheglovitov, Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, Viktor Korolchuk

The brutal attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation has shocked the world. While the world works to end the violence and help refugees, as a scientific journal, our thoughts are also with those in the scientific community who are directly or indirectly impacted by the war. We have been inspired by and applaud the labs around the world that have opened their doors to displaced scientists and remain committed to supporting scientists, whoever and wherever they are. Because science requires collaboration and trust, we urge the scientific community to continue efforts like this and to remain united, especially in times as difficult as these. In this Voices piece, we feature short comments from scientists from Ukraine and scientists from Russia. This small sampling is far from exhaustive, but our sincere thanks go to those scientists who were willing to share their thoughts on this volatile and emotionally charged situation; the views expressed are those of the contributors alone. We join the world in hoping for a swift resolution to the conflict, for the good of humanity.

J Int Med Res 2022 Dec; 50(12):3000605221143284. doi: 10.1177/03000605221143284.
The impact of the 2022 Ukraine/Russian conflict on cancer clinical trials
Alice Talbot, Sophia G Connor, Kate Austin, Tara Hannon, Eli Gabbay, Timothy D Clay

Since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, clinical trial conduct has become extremely challenging due to damage to the healthcare infrastructure and patient displacement. This current study aimed to estimate the number of cancer clinical trials at risk of impact from the conflict. A descriptive analysis and narrative review were completed using data from cancer clinical trials with sites in Russia or Ukraine using the 'clinical trials.gov' online database between February 2022 and May 2022. There were 508 clinical trials involving sites in Ukraine or Russia. Most were multinational studies (470 of 508; 93%). The majority of studies were phase 3 (344 of 508; 68%) and these also had the largest sample sizes (median 624, range 12-5637). The most common tumour types were lung (128 of 508; 25%), urogenital (94 of 508; 19%) and breast (78 of 508; 15%). A meaningful number of trials had curative intent (129 of 508; 25%). The most common intervention was immunotherapy-related (218 of 508; 43%), followed by other targeted therapy (185 of 508; 36%). Ukraine and Russia are both large centres for global clinical trial activity. The invasion of Ukraine may result in underpowering of international clinical trial results with loss of future recruitment sites for both countries.

BMJ 2022 Apr 8; 377:o911. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o911.
Vaccine wastage as collateral damage in Ukrainian conflict
Christos Tsagkaris, Lily Laubscher, Valeriia Vladychuk (no abstract) (Comment)

BMJ 2022 Mar 1; 376:o535. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o535.
Russian doctors, nurses, and paramedics demand an end to hostilities in Ukraine
Open letter, signed by 1000s of signatories, calls for an end to hostilities in Ukraine
(no abstract) (Open letter)

BMJ 2022 Apr 11; 377:o932. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o932.
Science, medicine, and ethics in times of war
Francis P Crawley, Beate Aurich, Birgit Buergi, Viktoriia Dobrova, Perihan Elif Ekmekci, Joe Schmitt, Valerya Sokolchik No abstract available (Letter)

BMJ 2022; 376: o613 (Published 10 Mar 2022) https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o613
Russia’s war: Why The BMJ opposes an academic boycott
Kamran Abbasi (no abstract) (Editor’ choice)

BMJ 2022 Apr 12; 377:o884. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o884.
Targeting healthcare in war: a tragically tried and tested strategy that humanity must disown-an essay by Jonathan Kaplan
Jonathan Kaplan (no abstract) (Feature)

Pathog Glob Health 2022 Jul; 116(5):267-268. doi: 10.1080/20477724.2022.2081785. Epub 2022 May 30.
Armed conflict in the world threatens the eradication of Poliomyelitis: risks of humanitarian crises
Mariano Martini, Davide Orsini (no abstract)

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